Introduction l Task l Process l Evaluation l Conclusion l Coolstuff l
For the second part of the task, you will break into groups of 2 and discuss your findings in order to discover their importance to our county. As a group you will write a letter to your teacher explaining the things you have learned in a 3 paragraph mimimum response either being hand written or typed or create a poster containing the facts you learned about these presidents. You will first need to research some very important facts before embarking on this wonderful journey! I have provided each of you with a graphic organizer to outline your thoughts while you're researching.
At this time, please select the president you want to know more about. Using the websites found on the PROCESS page, you will answer the questions pertaining to your president using the links provided on your president's page.
Extra Credit!
Each group member can bring in an art visual about their chosen president to share with the class. These will also be displayed in the hall outside our classroom for all to see. Here are your choices: a hand drawn picture, a painting, a picture from a magazine, or any teacher approved illustration of what you learned.