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George Washington

Introduction l Task l  Process l  Evaluation l  Conclusion l  Coolstuff l 

You are now sitting on the banks of the Delaware River in Pennsylvania with President George Washington. This is where years before George Washington led his troops across the River, surprising the British with a battle on Christmas. During the 18th Century it was more common to have your main meal in the middle of the day. So you are actually eating your dinner at lunchtime! You and President Washington are eating rabbit, bread, cornmeal mush, and drinking apple cider. This is a great meal because they do not have supermarkets. Please ask President Washington the questions below and write the answers on your paper.

    Questions for President George Washington

  1. Where was he born and in what year?
  2. Why does he look so serious in all his pictures?
  3. What was the style in those days?

    The President says, "I would be more than happy to answer your questions." Pay attention to the video the President prepared just for your assignment.

    As our leader during the Revolutionary War, George Washington is known for leading the Continental Army in victory over the British in the American Revolution. He also was the first President of the United States and helped to define what the role of the president would be going forward. However, he also experienced some failures. Discover how George Washington brought his men back from the brink of defeat at Valley Forge by using the links below to answer these questions:

    1. What were the conditions like at Valley Forge during the winter of 1777-1778 and how did it affect the men?

      Conditions At Valley Forge

      Conditions At Valley Forge Part Two

    2. Why was Valley Forge a successful encampment for George Washington and for his men?

      Encampment Success

      Join the Continental Army!
      After you have completed answering the questions, click on the evaluation tab to return home.