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Theodore Roosevelt

Introduction l Task l  Process l  Evaluation l  Conclusion l  Coolstuff l 

You are now riding on horseback through a deep forest. Riding right next to you is President Theodore Roosevelt. It is somewhere between the years of 1901-1909. Hunting is one of this Presidents favorite past times, so this is how he choose to spend your lunch together. Do not worry though, no hunting today! This is just a horseback ride. You are eating hard boiled eggs, rolls and drinking coffee. He explains to you that usually this is his favorite breakfast, but today you are having it for lunch because it would be easy to eat on a horse. Please ask President Theodore Roosevelt the questions below, and write the answers on your paper.

    Questions for President Theodore Roosevelt

  1. Name two major things that this President built?
  2. What did President Teddy Roosevelt add to the White House?
  3. What toy is named after this President? Why?

    President Theodore Roosevelt is very happy to help you answer these question for your assignment from the future. He thinks that watching this video clip will help you understand more about him.

    President Theodore Roosevelt took on a lot of challenges as President, and a lot of people thought he could never accomplish what he set out to do. Use the links below to answer the questions. Think about what you would have done.

    Why was it so important to finish building The Panama Canal? What were the conditions like for the workers?

    Panama Canal

    Why is it so important today that President Theodore Roosevelt created our National Parks?

    National Parks

    The National Park Service offers free programs for kids who want to follow in President Theodore Roosevelt's footprints!

    Become a Junior Ranger OR Become a Webranger

    After you have completed answering the questions, click on the evaluation tab to return home.